Elder Nicholas Berrett is currently serving in the Billings Montana mission (serving most of Montana and a good portion of Wyoming) for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is excited to serve the Lord and the people of Montana and Wyoming for the next two years!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Goooooooooood Morning everyone!

Good Morning!

First of all, how are you all doing? I want you all to know that Heavenly Father loves you and wants to hear from you, even if it's been the crappiest day ever, tell him about it. He cares.

I'm fairly certain that a side effect of being on a mission is that your love for your siblings increases exponentially. Like LOVE= Love level from before mission + (Days on mission X 42) 

Dang, so My companion was just trying to cook bacon. Just 4 little strips of bacon, and now the entire house is filled with smoke. Also now we have 4 charred strips of bacon. Like literally every window and door in open right now, it's ridiculous. When interviewed, my companion says, and I quote "In all appearances it looks like I lit the Cheatham's house on fire. In reality I just cooked 4 pieces of bacon".

Anyways, Sorry in advance for the short email. Today we spent a good part of preparation day helping someone move, and they lived a little bit ways out of town. So ya, it was fun!

This week has been a giant roller coaster honestly. We have literally gone from having fantastic lessons cancel on us, to having 5 investigators at church!

But ya,  this week we got an amazing referral! Her name is Bertie and has apparently been taught my missionaries a little bit in the past in Lovell. Apparently she approached one of her close friends who is a member and asked if she could come to church with her and also be taught by the missionaries! Our first lesson is Friday, so excited!

As far as the work goes, it is still chugging along! One thing that has amazed me is how much the lord likes to humble me. I have seen people that I was literally about to give up on start progressing and truly opening up to us! It has been amazing! This week we have seen a ton of progress in 3 of our less-actives, Bro. Zeilke, Vicki, and Bro. Ledford! It's truly amazing when you see the hand of God in your area, I love it!

Also! We have an investigator named Greg who, while he is still constantly seeking God and loves coming to church, is really struggling, If you could please keep him in your prayers.

Quick thought, check out mentalhealth.lds.org, it is truly a fantastically spiritual site, I've downloaded all of them videos and they are amazing! Love you all!

Never give up, Never Surrender!

-Elder Berrett

1 comment:

  1. Elder Berrett is awesome! I'm concerned about his companion, however. Someone needs to teach that guy how to cook bacon! - Mel Burch
