Elder Nicholas Berrett is currently serving in the Billings Montana mission (serving most of Montana and a good portion of Wyoming) for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is excited to serve the Lord and the people of Montana and Wyoming for the next two years!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

House pictures

Nick sent me a bunch of pictures of the inside of his apartment.  Apparently most of them came with captions, but they somehow didn't make it through.  Most of the pictures are pretty self-explanatory.  There was only one I asked for some clarification. 

Living room :) Usually the place where Companionship study/Nightly planning happens.

Upon noticing that the only thing on his bed was the blanket I sent him a couple months ago, and the red reindeer antlers that appeared in another picture (added to a Christmas post below) I flipped out a little- "Do you not have any sheets?!?!?  And no pillow?!?! Go to Wal-Mart!! And then make your bed!"

"I was washing them, just like I promised at Christmas :) Are you not getting any of these emails? I have sheets, a pillow, a great blanket :) I'm good :)"

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